UNILETS Outlet Box, Number Of Outlet: 2, Material: Malleable Iron, Size: 2 IN, Cable Entry: (2) 2 IN GRLB Hub, Cubic Capacity: 76 CU-IN, Knockouts: No, Cover Opening: 4.88 IN, Form Number: 3, Height: 5-3/4 IN, Width: 5-3/4 IN, Depth: 4-1/
Electrical Category:
Electrical Boxes And Enclosures
Electrical Subcategory:
Utility Boxes
For Use With Threaded Metal Conduit
Cable Entry:
(2) 2 IN GRLB Hub
RoHS Compliance:
Contact Manufacturer
Special Features:
Explosionproof, dust-ignitionproof; Malleable iron bodies have high tensile strength, ductility and provides great resistance to corrosion, impact and shock; Accurately tapped, tapered hub threads for tight, rigid joints and ground continuity; Furnished wi
Class 1, Zone 1 And 2 IIA And IIB, UL File Number E10444, CSA C22.2 No. 25, C22.2 No. 30, CSA 013017 Certified, Class I, Division 1 And 2, Groups B, C, D Class II, Division 1 And 2, Groups E, F, G Class III